Exploring Bournemouth and beyond: an unforgettable school adventure:

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
29. April 2024

Our class went to Bournemouth early this year,
it's a charming town in England quite a distance from here.

We went by plane and we took the bus,
it was an interesting journey for all of us.

Our lodgings were nice, our hosts were polite.
excursions were stressful, marching from sight to sight.

Writing down notes here back at our school,
all of us will agree: "After all it was cool"!

(Ferdinand, 5a)

The classes 5a and 5b had the chance to go an exciting school trip from March 9th to 19th 2024, to the charming coastal town of Bournemouth, England, with three of their teachers and it definitely was an experience to remember. For some of our pupils, stepping onto the airplane marked their very first flight — a mix of nerves and excitement was in the air as we flew through the clouds towards our destination. Touching down in England, the adventure began with a visit to the iconic sight of Stonehenge. This historic monument was the perfect start to the exploration of English culture and heritage.

During the stay, pupils lived with local families, which was great because they got a deep insight into the English way of life. Arriving in Bournemouth, everyone was warmly welcomed by their host families, experiencing the extraordinary hospitality of the English people first-hand. From sharing meals to learning about local customs, the time spent with host families enriched pupils’ understanding of everyday life in England.

In the mornings, there were language classes at the Southbourne School of English. These lessons were another opportunity for our pupils to improve their English skills and learn new words. During the breaks, they played table tennis or spent time with friends. The supportive environment and engaging activities at school made learning fun and worthwhile.

Afternoons were reserved for excursions and sightseeing. We visited nearby towns like Poole and Christchurch, soaking in the coastal beauty and exploring charming streets lined with shops and cafes. In Bournemouth city centre, activity leaders prepared a thrilling scavenger hunt, learning about the town's history and sights in a fun and interactive way. Pupils also had to fit in interviews with local people for their fieldwork project on professions and life in Bournemouth, which they prepared with their English teachers before the trip.

Evenings were filled with fun as pupils gathered for a karaoke night or spent time with friends and host families. It was heart-warming to see how the trip strengthened class spirit, fostering bonds and creating unforgettable moments of joy and connection.

Further highlights of the trip were undoubtedly the two days spent in London. The iconic landmarks and vibrant atmosphere were captivating and it was really interesting to explore this magnificent metropolitan city. We saw some masterpieces at Tate Modern, went on the Jubilee Walk along the river Thames, and were absolutely fascinated by the enchanting performance of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera."

As the time in Bournemouth came to an end, everyone felt a sense of gratitude for the experiences they shared. This trip was a journey of discovery, learning, and friendship for everyone. Our pupils returned home with a deeper understanding of the English culture and precious memories that will stay with them forever.

Here’s how some of our pupils reflect on the trip:

"The food in England was unexpectedly good" (Johanna, 5a).

"Bournemouth was such a great experience for us and I think that everyone should be able to go on a trip like that with their class. I really enjoyed that we stayed with host families. It improved our English a lot and they were all very friendly" (Amelie, 5a).

"Our trip to Bournemouth greatly strengthened the team spirit in our class" (Emilia, 5a).

"The evenings with friends and laughter were great. I especially liked the delightful excursions where we saw lots of new things" (Ferdinand, 5a).

"Bournemouth was an amazing experience where we learnt a lot about the English culture and grew closer together. I was impressed by the positive culture shock you get from being in a different country for over a week" (Luisa, 5a).

"The best thing about the trip was the very diverse food and the host family’s kindness and convenience regarding everything" (Moustapha, 5a).

"We all bonded pretty well as a class and I feel that we’ve all got a lot closer since then. We share a lot of great memories which we will never forget. What really surprised me was that I understood far more than I had thought" (Anja, 5a).

Text und Fotos: Prof. Anja Smith-Fink