Gesundes Jausnstandl / Healthy Food Booth Event on the Erasmus+ Day 2022

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
03. Dezember 2022
Co-funded by the European Union

A "healthy food booth" event was prepared by classes 7a and 7b plus teachers on the „Erasmus+ Day“ on 14th October 2022. In cooperation with the adjacent Franciscan friary we were preparing healthy food: bread, bread rolls, syrup and jam. We used local ingredients some of which we had grown in the school garden. Additionally, the "Lebenshilfe" – an organization that employs disabled people – supported us with self-made cakes and spread. Hopefully, the event will trigger the idea of sustainability in our school. The event is also part of the Erasmus+-Project "Sustainability - From root to table" in cooperation with the Slovenian School of Gastronomy and Tourism in Ljubljana. We prepared a „Kahoot“ quiz about it for them which you may also play if you like.
Preparation for the food booth event
Last year our class thought about reopening the food booth in our school. In the last few years before Corona it was the job of the eleventh graders to organise it in our school. However, with all the climate change issues, the school council decided, that only specific products should be sold. They should be free of palm oil, sustainable, and plastic packaging should also be avoided. We decided to accept the challenge and try to create a sustainable and healthy food booth. Our form teacher Ilka Prowatke supported us a lot and after some hours of planning and preparing, we had a draft for our project. We decided to prepare some foods for our booth on our own.  We met on Wednesday the 28th to bake bread, make jam and cook ice tea syrup. The Guardian of the Franciscan friary, Pater Karl, offered to help us. Brother Konrad, who originally is a baker, showed us how to bake bread rolls of wheat flour and bread of whole spelt flour. We also prepared ice tea syrup out of black and red tea, a lot of sugar and some lemons. The ingredients were put in a huge pot and then we cooked them for a while. Unfortunately, the tea bags busted, and we had to filter the whole tea, which was quite annoying. But we could manage even that.
Meanwhile, some students of the 7b class cooked some pumpkin jam in the biology lab.
As we also had to decide how the prices should look like there also was a group who calculated the prices with our Maths and Physics teacher Brother Pascal.
In order to let the other students know about our project, some of us also designed posters, with the prices and the information in an adjacent room of the friary.
As a contribution to the “Jausenstand” (food stall) we (7bO) made our own jam. In May 2022 we planted pumpkins in the garden of the monastery. They were successfully harvested at the beginning of the new school year. Our ingredients were: 2 kg pumpkins, 2 kg preserving sugar and 2 kg apples. Our form teacher Prof. Harald Geir had already precooked and mushed the apples at home. After cutting the pumpkins into pieces we carefully sorted out all seeds from the pumpkin flesh and placed it on several coffee filters to let them dry. Now the pumpkin pieces were put into an electric multifunctional pot (instant pot) for 10 minutes. The mushed apples and preserving sugar were added. The mixture boiled for another 10 minutes until the gelling test was successful. The following step was to fill our jam into several sterile jars before we were finally allowed to taste it.
We would love to do something like that again because it strengthens the class community and you can learn something new, as almost none of us have ever made jam ourselves!
But our jam was not only a contribution to the food booth event but also a gift for each of our Slovenian partner classmates. We handed them over to them personally when we met in Ljubljana at the end of October 2022.

“Kahoot quiz” about our food booth event:
OeAD Erasmus+-Days:

Text: Mia Kurtusic, Viktoria Vettorazzi, Anna-Carina Holzer and Theresa Waldnig, 7a and Mirjam Berger, 7b
Fotos: Prof. Dr. Ilka Prowatke