Where we go from here – Lucas Rocha

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
22. Juni 2021

The new young adult novel “Where we go from here“ by Lucas Rocha might not be a very thrilling book, but the way the emotions are described in this book are extremely touching and amazingly described.

The novel is also very unique with its three main characters and its view-switching chapters. The book starts off with the first boy named Ian, who is getting tested for HIV and meets a boy on the same day. The result changes his life, but also opens a lot of new relationships with new people he meets on his path with the virus. Of course it’s difficult to handle, but he finds a way.

The boy named Ian meets is quickly revealed to be the second main character, who struggles with his relationship with Henrique, another important personality, who hides something from the young boy Victor. Only his best friend Eric knows his darkest secrets.

As all the boys live their own lives, their paths cross from time to time, which involves a lot of chaos, drama and tears, which in the end leads to an exciting and rather unexpected ending.

The novel’s author did an amazing job with showing the different perspectives of HIV and also educating the readers about it. It’s also brilliant with all the references and jokes from the newer and younger generations, it feels more natural reading it as a younger person. Maybe the book’s weakness is keeping the tension alive and it might be too boring for most readers. However, for everyone wanting to learn about HIV, the queer community and love, this book is a great choice!

Text: Mia Kurtusic und Melanie Ical, 5a