7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Cooking experience

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
06. Dezember 2022
Co-funded by the European Union

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia
Cooking experience with our Slovenian partner class
Not long after expanding our knowledge of Slovenian history, we were taken to our partner school, which specializes in gastronomy and tourism (Srednja šola za gastronomijo in turizem, https://www.ssgtlj.si/). First, we were given a tour of the school and we learned about their green projects. They do not have the possibility to grow crops in a garden, like we do, but they were very inventive and built raised beds in the courtyard, where they now grow different types of lettuce and herbs.
After this interesting tour, we all got to work together and widen our horizons in the culinary world. Everyone helped prepare traditional Slovenian dishes to enjoy our last evening in Ljubljana together. We tried “Žlikrofi”, which the chefs explained to us as Slovenian dumplings filled with potatoes, bacon or other meat, and usually served with lamb sauce. It was a delicious meal as well as a great bonding experience and many of us made new Slovenian friends!
One day later we had to say goodbye to our newfound friends and to beautiful Slovenia. Somehow exhausted from the eventful class trip, but grateful for enriching encounters and new experiences we boarded the train that took us back to Hall, where we arrived safely in the late afternoon.

Finally, we would like to mention that the main language of communication throughout the trip to Slovenia from 21th to 25th October 2022 was English. We were eager to demonstrate our foreign language skills not only with the Slovenian partners but also in conversation with each other and with our accompanying teachers Mrs. Prowatke, Mrs. Lechner and Matthew Flotemersch, our school’s language assistant from the USA, who proved to be an immensely supportive travel companion.
We would like to sincerely thank the Slovenian teachers, above all Mrs. Inka Nose and Mrs. Irena Sladič, and their students for the warm welcome and exciting programme they put together for us. We are all looking forward to seeing them again in a few months and showing them our country!
Heartfelt thanks also go to Maria Pichlbauer at the Bildungsdirektion Steiermark, who supported us in funding the project through Erasmus+.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our class teacher and project coordinator Prof. Prowatke. Without her tireless efforts and extraordinary commitment this trip could not have taken place.

Text: Melanie Ical, Ella Scherzer, 7a
Fotos: Prof. Ilka Prowatke, Prof. Ingrid Lechner