7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Journey to Ljubljana

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
06. Dezember 2022
Co-funded by the European Union

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia
Friday: Journey to Ljubljana
On Friday, 21 October, the long-awaited day eventually arrived: After four hours of school, we met at the train station in Hall, where we hopped on the train to Ljubljana. Eight hours later, Mrs. Inka Nose, the Slovenian project coordinator, gave us a warm welcome at the station and showed us the way to our accommodation. After checking in, we spent the evening having dinner near the river Ljubljanica.

Saturday: Visit of local food production facilities at the Adriatic coast
The next morning, we met our partner class of the School of Gastronomy and Tourism in Ljubljana. Together we went by bus to Koper, where Slovenia’s most important port is located. The students gave us some information about the historical background of the town. Afterwards we visited the local food market of Koper, where we could buy traditional and regional products – very much in line with the name of our project “From Root to Table”. It was a great experience.
In Piran we visited the salt ponds, where salt is harvested using an old, traditional method, which protects the soil and microbial layer below the salt water. Later, we had a look at the fish farm “Fonda”. Their fish brand stands for quality and the preservation of natural ecosystems. Both companies work in a sustainable way and their vision should be a role model for other producers.
After the guided tours, we had some free time in Piran, which we used to get to know each other. Small groups of Austrian and Slovenian students formed and went to find a place to eat. While we were having lunch together, unfortunately, it started to rain, but it was no big deal - we moved inside and enjoyed the time together. At about 5 o’clock we took the bus back to Ljubljana. On the bus, Mrs. Nose commented on famous sites and informed us about Slovenian culture, landscape, city and country life. Back in Ljubljana, we refreshed ourselves at the hostel and went to the town centre to enjoy the last hours of the day together with our new friends along the riverside.

(continue to Škocjanske jame: a dripstone cave and the largest underground canyon of Europe)

Text: Fabian Vetter, Matteo Rief, 7a
Photos: Prof. Ingrid Lechner, Prof. Ilka Prowatke