7ab Erasmus+ return visit from Slovenia - Halltal: Drinking water gallery + St. Magdalena

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
26. April 2023
Co-funded by the European Union

7ab Erasmus+ return visit from Slovenia
Halltal: Drinking water gallery + St. Magdalena
In March 2023 our Slovenian partner school visited us. Together we went on a hiking trip into the Halltal to visit the drinking water gallery. Afterwards we had dinner at St. Magdalena, a small alpine restaurant.
After arriving by bus, we gathered at the Hall valley. Then we hiked towards the water gallery.
The drinking water gallery has been built from 1995 til 2002. The construction was technically challenging due to the mountainous area and the need to drill through several rock layers.
How ist the drinking water generated? The water from the rain clouds is pouring on the surface oft he mountains. It is travelling through the lime rock „Wettersteinkalk“ for a period of about 10 years. Meanwhile it ist cleanded from all kind of pollutants. 1000m below the mountain top of the „Bettelwurf“ it is gathered in three tunnels. Afterwards it is led into water tanks above Hall and Absam. From there the fresh mountain water is delivered to the households via waterpipelines.
The water gallery is now a crucial part of the area's drinking water supply. It provides residents and businesses with safe, clean drinking water and makes sure that the water supply is maintained even when there are low water levels.
After the visit we continued our waltking trip through the Halltal. In the Middle Ages, the valley was an important centre for salt mining, and the town of Hall in Tyrol developed into an important trading centre. Then we finally arrived at the mountain Inn St Magdalena. There we fortified and entertained ourselves.
In summary, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed the time together very much. Furthermorde, we learned a lot about the history of the Halltal and its water drinking well. We want to thank the employees of the Hall AG, who led us through the Stollen and explained everything to us.

(continue to Biomass Power Plant)

Text: Ludwig Feneberg, Matteo Guldenbrein, Fabian Vetter & Bernhard Walter, 7a
Fotos: Dr. Ilka Prowatke