7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Blended mobility – getting to know our Slovenian partner class virtually

von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol
06. Dezember 2022
Co-funded by the European Union

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia
Blended mobility – getting to know our Slovenian partner class virtually
This year, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, we (classes 7a and 7b) are carrying out an interdisciplinary project with a Slovenian partner class on the topic of sustainability called “From Root to Table”. Our first meeting with the Slovenian students took place as an online session via Zoom. We introduced ourselves to each other, mingled and exchanged experiences and results of our respective projects. The virtual encounters sparked our interest and curiosity, and we were very much looking forward to travelling to their school – from the School of Gastronomy and Tourism in Ljubljana - and meeting them in person.

(continue to Journey to Ljubljana)

Text: Fabian Vetter, Matteo Rief, 7a
Fotos: Dr. Ilka Prowatke