Weihnachtschoreographie der 1bc

22. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

Die Mädchen der 1bc-Klasse senden weihnachtliche Grüße in Form einer Weihnachtschoreographie, die sie im Rahmen des Turnunterrichts mit Frau Prof. Smith-Fink einstudiert und eifrig geübt haben.

Introducing Matthew - our English language assistant

16. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

This school year our English Team is supported by Matthew - our language assistant from Michigan/USA.
Matthew was kind enough to answer some of our students' questions about his Christmas in the USA and in Austria.

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Blended mobility – getting to know our Slovenian partner class virtually

06. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia
Blended mobility – getting to know our Slovenian partner class virtually
This year, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, we (classes 7a and 7b) are carrying out an interdisciplinary project with a Slovenian partner class on the topic of sustainability called “From Root to Table”.

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Journey to Ljubljana

06. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia
Friday: Journey to Ljubljana
Saturday: Visit of local food production facilities at the Adriatic coast
On Friday, 21 October, the long-awaited day eventually arrived: After four hours of school, we met at the train station in Hall, where we hopped on the train to Ljubljana.

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Škocjanske jame

06. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia
Škocjanske jame: a dripstone cave and the largest underground canyon of Europe
On Sunday, a visit to one of the most famous caves of Slovenia was on the agenda - the Škocjan Caves.

7ab Erasmus+ trip to Slovenia - Ljubljana city tour

06. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

Ljubljana city tour and cooking experience with our partner class
Now that we had explored the city's nature and countryside, what remained for us to get to know was the history of the country’s capital and its exceptional cuisine. Luckily, the Slovenian students had prepared a tour through the city of Ljubljana for us!


02. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

Kreuzband- und Meniskusoperationen an einem Knie-Modell
Wir, die 6ab, hatten am 17.11.2022 im Sporttheorie- und Humanbiologie-Unterricht Besuch von Herrn Mag. Robert Drexel vom Unternehmen Arthrex. Er hat uns den Aufbau des Knies erklärt und im Anschluss wurden sowohl eine Meniskus- als auch eine Kreuzband-Operation an einem Kniemodell...

A Trip to the Old Town of Hall

02. Dezember 2022
von Öff. Gymnasium der Franziskaner Hall in Tirol

This trip was the perfect opportunity to try out all the words that we have learned so far „in real life“ in the old town of Hall.